Another Phase, Another Face

There was a point to the new header picture. No, I'm not that obsessed wit my self. On the contrary, I more often than not detest photos of my self. However, I was playing around with photoshop, trying to get a better feel of the program (I've only skipped rocks on the surface), and so 12 photos of a photoshopped face of moi didn't seem so frightening. But there was a point to it, which I discovered at the end of the collage. Looking at all the faces, it's hard to understand that it's all me. They're so different; different expressions, looks, hair, eyes, lips, and yet, all me. It all ties quite nicely into this little diary; another phase, another face. A person can't be expected to be the same day after day. Life happens and we alter; if even slightly, change does in fact occur. And as I perhaps added a touch of something here and there, adding a layer of falacy to a once-was truth, how different was that than the every day doing? When I go to work and get screamed at by an old angry man, I don't let the next customer know that anything is wrong. I smile, ask how they are in a convincingly caring tone, and wish them a nice day; A mask, but a necessary one. And something else to think about: One of the beauties of writing (particuarly in the first person from a character perspective) is that you can become someone else entirely. I look at those faces and try to pick out my true self in the under-tones; is one picture more honest than the next? Or, in their singular state, do all of them lie? Am I each picture alone, or the compilement of them all? Is each face a different personality, a different persona? When that picture was taken, what side of me was I showing the world? I may have drifted far from the point--may have talked in too many circles to have made any clear conclusion--but in my head it all makes sense and, I think, given careful consideration applied to your own self, you'll understand what all this non sense is trying to say. And I suppose I could put it nicer, writer it clearer, make it plainer, but then again, is that really the point of this diary? Carrie
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