Listening to: Madonna
Feeling: copacetic
So, tomorrow's the day, eh? Valentine's, I mean. In French we learned new expressions and such and then made cards. I felt like a third grader, cutting out a red heart and gluing it to the construction paper. I made a valentine for Steve because we both agreed that, come tomorrow, if neither one of us had plans, we'd just chill at my sister's pad. Single Awareness!! Hahaha!!! :D Had a math "quest" today. I did terrible. : ( Softball was, once again, awesome. They cut a couple girls (aka: the two girls that had never played before) and we had a real easy practice. My hitting was awesome today. I'm pretty much always able to make contact, I just wasn't a very strong hitter. Well, today fixed that. I changed my form a little, actually watching the ball hit my bat, and right off I blasted it to the outfield. It felt pretty damned good. We also got gold shorts today; ghetto ones that the equipment manager (also one of our coaches) just wants to get rid of, so we can keep them. I've got #3. I've never had a solid number for softball. Every number I try to get someone else always has. I don't know what the significance in that is, but I thought about it longer than it required today. *perplexed* "What does this say about me?" Tonight's plans? Mostly writing. I've been thinking about my novel, and a major re-working might be taking place. I don't think I really gave Emoh the touch of Earth. I've got three characters to work with; I can separate them easily and put them on three different planets--three different worlds, almost--thus providing three very different atmospheres that our world can evolve to. If I did this, I would have to re-write the entire first section and I am pretty sure it would tack on another 30-50 pages of the novel, easly. I'm just not sure if I want to do it. I'm leaning towards it though. Well, I'll go start that in a separate document and change it later if I like it. So that's that. The circus is in town. AKA: "Cousin" Joey and Santan (Pony) are over. Cody isn't too pleased. Oh well. I hope they let me sleep tonight! Toodles Carrie
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Happy Singles Awareness day, Jillie! I love the card!. I figured out some of it.....we need to get GOOD candy. Lol. See you tomorrow.

Much luff, JBN.
Your faithful stalker