New Picture...You likey?

New likey? I likey. And Yes, reader, you are invited! It's interesting, this is my first real chance to show everyone what all the fuss has been about--why all through high school everyone thought blindly that I was such a fabulous writer--and now my writing is going to be on display but in a very dependent way. I mean, you've got the way the words are actually going to be delivered, you've got the acting to destract from the words, and then there's the set that will either compliment or hinder the story...there's a lot resting on critiques of my play. I'm just trying to stay confident and organized--what else can I do? We still have 3 weeks before the show; there's no reason to panic now. Directing has also given me another leadership position, which has, in turn, reminded me how much I like having those responsibilities, that voice, that influence, and therefor excited me to become an RA. Of course, nothing is official yet--I won't even know if they want me for an interview until the 10th, but if all goes well I will be an RA for Cronkite Village and that will be grand. Kris is coming home this weekend...Tanisha already left, thank goodness. I've been cleaning out, preparing for a major clean-up. This place is absolutely disgusting. I'm stopping by home to drop-off and pick-up a bunch of stuff and then I shall return here and whip out the rubber gloves--Oh yes, my friends, it is THAT bad that it requires RUBBER GLOVES! Anyway, I need to finish up with the costume list and then head on over to rehearsal. We're rehearsing part of the run-way scene today...: ) Carrie
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too bad I can't possibly attend. for obvious reasons.