Hopes and Headaches

Years of writing formal essays and now, when I actually have to write in the first person and insert my blatant opinion, I have to really think about how to do it. Let me explain. I have an exam in film class; ten questions requiring no fewer than 100 word answers with the criteria aforementioned. Due Friday- sumbit online; aint today's technology a kick? Anyway, our text book for the class was written by the teacher (impressive information, but I've already found gramatical errors in the text. Grrr! Maybe I should just be an editor as a profession. Then again, I'm too slow of a reader.) So the guy knows everything, doesn't want us to reiterate what he already knows. So we have to some-how convey that we understand what we're learning while giving our own personal opinions of given subject. Sounds easy, k, but, it's...well, I have to go back and fix some of my answers to be more opinionated. Ah well. Computer exam tomorrow. SOOOOo scared! Not. english...not excited... Ok, so college has hit kind of a low point. I guess I'm just boring my self. I mean, I'm not a socail-lite (my fault!), I don't have a ton of classes, and the classes I was originally very excited about (english, duh) have become a let-down. I mean, it's all okay, it's just that I'm already prepared to move on. How am I going to get passed all this? When I am going to have a real helpful hand here? When am I going to be needed? I have production training at the radio station tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes. Next week I am going to make a point of going back to the TV station to play around on the computers there, get my folder made and begin filling it. With what, I don't know. I miss high school. I love college, but I definitely miss high school. *sigh* What else to say...I guess I'll just blurb every little thing that's on my mind. I hate what society has done to our minds with all this healthy crap. It's brainwashing us all, it really is. When was the last time you ate something without any consideration to what it was you were eating? It's terrible. Food has lost its fun. I hate getting in the shower and finding enough hairs on the walls to make a wig from. Disgusting. Why is it we touch people's hair on their heads, but once a strand falls all of a sudden it's gross? I love hearing the trains go by. I wish they came by more often. Hearing a train chug along and whistle past is one of my favorite sounds. I'm getting better on the drums. I mean, I'm still terrible, but I've been practicing some basic stuff that Kris showed me and I'm definitey improving. I read the accomplishments of my film teacher and thought to myself, "Holy crap, how is all of this even possible in a life time?" Am I going to go to bed tonight and wake up to Graduation day again? I miss my casual time with Kris. My suitemate always has her boyfriend around and I just miss having Kris with me. Even when we weren't really doing anything, even when I was working on the computer while he took nap on my bed...I miss that. I miss marching band terribly. And it isn't the fact that I'm not doing it this year, it's that it isn't high school marching band. I'll never again be able to put on my white gloves and climb up on the podium and conduct the band as they march through a show. And on the other side of the spectrum, I miss being on that field, arms tired of holding up my flute, mouth dry, brow dripping with sweat, heart pounding, mind racing with random thoughts of "toes up" "breathe" "hold this note out" "make this note short" "dress left" "look at drum major" "backwards march". Then again, when you're out there...I don't think I ever had a real tangible thought in my head. We just ran through it like clockwork. I wish I could sing and play the piano. I wish I had my dream camera; some day. I want to see the world before someone or something destroys it. Jason Mraz is the best person to see in concert. I really don't want to write this film exam paper. I really dislike my English teacher. She's nice, but very...8th grade. I'm breaking out and I don't know why but it's really gross and I hate it. I have to wear foundation all the time now and I hate foundation. It's so icky and fake. I love my Mraz t-shirt. I really do have a head ache. I've had it for quite some time now and I've been ignoring it. I think it's because I put my hair up. It's gotten really long again and, since it is so thick, I just can't wear it up because it hurts my head. Tanisha is sick. No good. Lots of people have been sick. I really hope it surpasses me. I think it's time for bed. I need to finish my book soon. The DaVinci Code, I mean. It's really good and I just haven't sat down to finish it. ANyway, it's time for bed now. Good night, sorry for the rambles. Carrie
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I miss just spending that nothing time with you as well.

I love you

What shirt did you get?
