A Fantastic Jotting of Blurbs

He stalks into my room like a cat, prowls around what lies around, gently sniffs the air. Day-beaten, he flops, back and head and feet in an awkard bundle on my bed, dangles his feet and burries his head. By the time he leaves my bed has sagged to the edge, drooping off as if to cry "come back to me, there's more sleep to be had." It's always a mess, to be quaint to the fact; he leaves my comforter distorted, but keeps my heart in tact, and for all the faults in the world I thank him for that. Busy, busy weekend. (Gee, something new and different!). Went out to his fabulous Italian restaurant with my family + Kris, fine dining for the occassion of mother's day. Made mom a cheesy card of paper and glue--she loved it. I can get away with home-made cards though because I've been making home-made gifts forever. Anyways, after that, Kris and I jetted over to Justin's for the band party, which Justin said was a flop but I didn't hear any complaints. I mean, people pretty much take care of themselves in big groups like that. Seniors hibernated in Justin's room to do paper plate awards...our heads hurt. Tomorrow is the grand prom. Still got a couple things to take care of in the morning, but the night, I think, is going to be a huge success. Tell you more about it after the event. : ) No work until Tuesday, the earliest. I've got the weekend to enjoy myself, get organized, and *hopefully* finish the band video for the banquet on the 14th. I suddenly felt a huge amount of pressure for the qaulity of the video considering that practically everyone knows I'm creating it and all the pictures submissions I've had. I just hope no one is disappointed or, after seeing it, thinks that they could have done a better job. Call me a perfectionist when it comes to projects, but I just can't stand doing less than what I am fully capable of when it comes to stuff like this. Anyways, the thing is nearly 30 min long, so there ought to be SOMETHING everyone will like, right? There's a "new" song on the radio that sounds like Vanilla Ice, but itsn't, and this bothers me immensely. I mean, they stole an awesome beat and made a terrible song with it. Damn leeches. Speaking of music,the album I've been putting together in photojourn--entitled 11:03--is coming along quite well. I've two complete songs and about three in the making. I'm down to another week or so of producing and then I have to call it quits and just burn what I've got. I just wish I could actually play the music I'm "writing". Good stuff. Well then, I suppose that's all for now. Have a wonderful time at prom everyone! Carrie
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I'm sure your prom is goingto be a night to rmemeber, and your going to look very beautiful. I hope you are coming to see the Requiem next Sunday. Anywho, I hope you have an awesome time at prom and an awesome weekend. Laterz.
Ok, well Vanilla Ice stole the beat in the first place from David Bowie and Queen. Thats the song that's being covered by the Used and My Chemical Romance: Not 'Ice Ice Baby' but 'Under Pressure'... Which is still theivery but not from a poser. :)

Keep in touch for more long winded answers.
