Rainbow Write

Where has the day gone? 4:30, and what have I accomplished? The Bear stayed over last night. Sometimes I really do think that he just makes the drive to have something to sleep next to. He arrived, sat down beside me, and commenced to sleep. Nevertheless, it was very nice to wake up with him next morning. I was tired, he was awake. We snuggled the morning away watching V for Vendetta. Good movie, by the way. (Sidenote, I'm thinking I might return that tv I bought. It was skipping through a part of the movie and when I put the DVD in my other player, it didn't skip. And besides, I still have this business with the remote and my bargain is becoming a real pain). Anyway, the morning was full of nothingness. He left, I showered, and it was about noon when I was combing my hair out and dad called to let me know he was around the corner with the homemade dinner he promised. He was supposed to bring to me last night at DP's office warming party (I was there to take photos), but he forgot. Anyway, he brought it for me today. He does things like that for me. Thursday I escaped from Tempe and went over to his house; had dinner with the fam, talked until ten, read a little, slept very little, and then woke up very early to go to marching band practice. I'm not really sure why I wanted to go; maybe I just wanted a change in my Friday routine, but I think I really just wanted that extra time with Kris and away from here. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but it gets too small. Just too small and obnoxious from time to time that I just need to get away. So I went to practice. Took photos, none of them very good, but I did see something wroth getting no sleep for: It was an enormous rainbow that spread so far it almost touched down on both ends. And behind it, much fainter, a second rainbow. It really was beautiful. Made me think of the Wizard of Oz or Rainbow Brite or something. I took a picture of it but it didn't capture very well. At any rate, I have its memory. Today, I was supposed to write my midterm paper for my fiction writing class. Thus far, it's been absolutely torterous. Success, I think, will consist of me simply building the skeleton. I shall leave the heart of the paper for tomorrow. It shouldn't be that difficult, this paper. Just a 5-10 page compare/contrast with the three novels we've read so far. But my lecture professor is apparantly brilliant and I'm a little rusty when it comes to writing papers and I'd hate to endure anything lower than an A. Speaking of midterms, I had two last week; one in news writing, the other an oral in French. I don't know yet how I did on the news bit; not too shabby, I think, but you really never know. As for the French, there I was surprised. Maybe it was because I was so well prepared? Or just more confident about my speaking? Anyway, I did a good job and afterwards my teacher said I had a good accent and needed to speak more in class because it might "inspire" others. I like this class. (Most of the time). And on Friday he even stopped me on my way out and asked me how I think I did and if coming to see him prior to the exam helped any. I appreciate those things; teachers with a genuine interest in how their students think they're doing. Not much other exciting news. I'm on duty so I'm stuck here--feeling trapped and exhausted from lack of physical movement; ironic how that works. But this means still more time yet to dedication to this fascinating paper...toodles. Carrie
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Here's a suggestion: If the photo didnt work out, take a page from your ancestors and paint it. Draw the memory, not the image. I'm interested to see whats become of your inner drawist.

.Huck, back from the dead