
Listening to: Nirvana
Feeling: charmed
Okay, i have found my new best friend...its a pendgelum(i dont know how to spell it though). its a little crystal on the end of a chain and u ask it yes or no questions. if it spins, it says yes, if it rocks back and forth, it says no. u can get these at any new age or tarot type shop. well, this is why it is my best friend. i asked it: will i be going out with someone in the next 6 months?---yes will it be someone from one of my classes?---yes is it in my...(went thru all the classes) french class?---yes.......then i asked about a specific someone that i like and it said yes!!!!!!! so i am very very happy. but to be one hundred percent sure im gonna ask my friend scott who owns the shop where i got it. he can do a tarot reading for me or something. later. and i hope that it works out. P.S.--i asked it month and day, so hopefully on May 24, my entry will be very happy.
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whoa that is so cool! i want one.