best and worst day

Feeling: jealous
omg omg omg i had the best and worst day ever yesterday. ok, so school was complete crap, everything was going wrong and i wanted to die. brandon, ur a bastard for not staying at lunch, but whatever. ok, so sam and i went to the mall and we found out that mark works at borders. well, we went in and my god, he grew his hair long. like really really long, its to his shoulders now. dear GOD. ok so we sat out in the patio in front of borders to just hang out, and there is mark. he just sits down right next to us and starts talkin to us! omg i had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. he's so easy to talk to. theres like no awkward silence with him, its just cool. ok, and earlier there was like a flock of hotness at the mall, i mean we saw like 7 guys with long or longish hair, who were really hot. and then one of our favorites, he had blue-ish hair, sat down next to us too! i guess he knows mark or something. but it was great. he didnt talk to us, only to mark, but he was still there. and mark talked to us for like 10 or 15 minutes, until his break was over basically. but it was tres cool. and then sam and i went to see phantom of the opera, it was pretty good. lots of singing, could have done without quite so much, but still good. and the guy who played the phantom, would have been soooo hot without the facial ness. it was funnay. we were so fucking boy crazy yesterday. well gotta go clean the house.
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haha comment on myself
YO! my new fucking diary. be there or b-squared
...i cant do that lil 2

-carpet ya knaw?