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Listening to: HIM-razorblade kiss
Feeling: abandoned
im so exhausted, only day two back at school and i feel like its been weeks. jesus christ this week is not gonna go by quickly at-tall. i hate school, the only good thing is that i get to see my friends everyday. we have a minimum day on thursday and a day off on monday. AWESOME! i hope i can do something with my friends on those days...otherwise i shall be quite bored. but today...nothing good or terribly bad happened so it was just mediocre. haha brandon agreed to create a vampire freaks and myspace profile, just as soon as he gets his camera back from his brother. whatever. but cant wait to get a picture of him wearing eyeliner for my profile. hahahaha......
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viral disease...
-im in class, this is boring, i saw you when i was walking over here, oh well. ill say hell-o next time.
