
people really piss me off..and i'm not even involved in the situation. yesterday some stupid bitches lauren and jessica the 'i'm emo but i can be a hard core cheerleader and the biggest prep at the same time who tries to ruin everyone else's lives while doing it' went to the guidence councler and told her that this girl maggie (lauren and her had been really good friends but then got in a fight and now they hate each other) was cutting. maggie freaks out and goes home, but then comes back later in the day? she gets called down to guidence and has no scars to prove that she actually did cut. so basically everything backfired on lauren, even though maggie does say she cuts. maggie has never even broken her fucking skin, she is sooo afriad of blood. a paper cut makes her want to throw up. some of maggie's friends go and tell off lauren and basically tell her to keep her fucking mouth closed or else. lauren gets all scared and goes into her little 'everyone hates me, kill me now' stage and walks out of the school screaming and crying. everyone was walking to mac n bobs while she was doing this and we all started saying shit to her because she wouldn't shut the fuck up. god, i hate that fucking bitch. she needs to stay outta everyone else's business and worry about her shit life because no one cares about her and trying to get people in trouble by saying they cut and then them having no scars is a great way for even more people to hate you. have a nice day.
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