Last night me and Emily went to Mac n Bobs then walked down to the Coffee Shop. Max was going to come but Bev (the person who caught them smoking) called his mom. She didn't really get mad at him, she just told him that he had to spend more time with her. They were watching a movie together so he couldn't come down. Me, max, will, and emily were going to go golfing today but I have to watch my little brother.
I haven't been eating good lately. I go through these stages where I don't eat a whole lot. Like yesterday I had french fries and crackers and that was about it. I don't like purposly do it, but if I eat like crackers or something I get full so I won't eat anything else.
I really need to read. I haven't done my summer reading and I still have to do a journal on it and write like 2 essays. I absolutly HATE reading. I mean its not so bad when you get to choose the book, but I hate all books that teachers pick out. They are BOOOORING.
I have a volleyball scrimmage today. I don't play, at all. It sucks too, because I actually work hard in practice and the people that play just sit there and do nothing. Like yesterday we were doing conditioning and we were doing like 2 mins of push ups and ellen and millie just lay there so critzer stops the watch while everyone else is doing push ups they are laughing and stuff. everyone was so pissed at them. And millie plays all of the time and Ellen more than me. But whatever.
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