
BT's party: got there and there was seriously 25 guys there skating. all of the girls were in the back or down in the basement. it was funny. half of the guys there were the "punks" at our school and don't like most of the girls. some things happend at the party that were quite interesting. i went downstairs and started hanging out with spencer (major hottie), symeon, TJ, and caleb. i thought they all hated me because i hang out with the "preppy/bitchy" group at school. but they started talking to me and they are really cool. i went outside and skated with them some. yeah, so who cares if i suck at skating. it was really funny cause they were all touching me and stuff because 1) i thought they hated 2)i have never really talked to them before in my life and 3) again i thought they hated me. lol. so when i had to leave they wanted my number and so i gave it to them and none of them could remember except TJ cause he wrote it on his arm with a perm. marker. haha. they told me that i have to come down to the skatepark and skate with him some and that they were gonna come up to my house some? haha. crazy kids. i fucking busted my elbow skating. it hurt like mad crazy hell. everyone wanted to get into their bar, but then everyone found out that it was his dad's bar (he's the one whose dad committed suicide :( ) so we all knew that we shouldn't get into it. so then they called people and was gonna get some people to bring us some alcohol but they weren't bringing it till all of the girls left (all of the guys were spending the night) so no fun for us. someone started telling people that someone called their parents and told them that people were smoking and stuff and then said that their parents called the cops. everyone that had been smoking and stuff started flipping out. poor brett started crying :(. he said that if his dad found out that he would be killed. but it all ended up being a joke. hmmm. amy came home with me after the party and spent the night. i felt sorta bad cause ian called me and we kinda stayed on the phone till 4 in the morn, but half of the time amy was asleep or talking to him too. him and his friends ALWAYS get in trouble at the mall and today they got in big trouble and got kicked out for a YEAR. and it wasent just at the mall, it was barns and noble, kroger, mall, and the movies. so he said that they would start comming to the one in salem. yayness cause it is like 3 minutes from my house. but yeah he sorta hung up on me earlier cause i wouldn't tell him something. grr.
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