my boredness :)

1..What are you most greedy for? im not really a greedy person at all...well i dont thinks so at least :) 2..What is the most extreme thing you would do to your own appearance to make yourself better looking? i want Angelina Jolees lips but i dont know if i would stoop that low to get plastic surgery cus i actually am happy with my look 3..If a piece of food fell on the floor, would you still eat it? depends on the food & the floor. If it was something dry, like a cookie, yes. Not something wet, like spaghetti. & never off of dirty floor. Only clean.( now come on ppl u know ud eat a cookie on the floor.. hehe) 4..Give your approval rating of President George W. Bush on a 1-100% scale: 89%-- needs 2 focus more on the issues @ home, but he's very well-meaning, & I think he is steering our country in the right direction 5..Do you like getting your picture taken? Sure why not 6..Do you cry easily? oh yes I do. I'm not very thick-skinned. It's awful. 7..Do you frequently say "LOL" in an online conversation? I do, mostly as a conversation filler 2 be honest. Like w/ people I don't wanna talk 2, I'll just say stuff like that a lot, hoping they will get the hint. 8..Did you ever collect Pogs? I used 2 in like the 5th grade when everybody had pog competitions at recess....i kicked butt at pogs hehe 9..When eating out at a restaurant, do you tip the server well? depends on the service. I always tip @ least 15%. I tip up to 25% for really good service 10..Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish? nope 11..Have you ever dissected an animal? yeah in seventh grade we dissected a frog and a worm and watched people disect a baby pig 12..Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yes. 13..Ever been pulled over by the police? haha, funny story about the police. Maybe I'll write it in my diary sometime. It's pretty embarassing. 14..Do you prefer to sleep with or without underwear? heh wouldnt u like to know 15..If you were to describe yourself as a food, what would you be and why? Watermelon. Juicy, sweet & watery 16..If you knew you'd be fine financially, what would your dream career be? something in fashion. I know I won't do that now, bc it's way 2 risky 17..Do you feel that your friends really know the "true" you? yes. I am completely real w/ everyone. I don't believe in being fake @ all. 18..When you feel totally comfortable with someone, name something you will do in front of them that you wouldn't before: lol prolly burp 19..Any Phobias? spiders, heights, and being alone, oh and the dark 20..Close your eyes and transport yourself anywhere- where are you? hmmmm hawaii baby :) yeah i wish 21..If you were going to drown, name the liquid you'd want to drown in: water 22..What is something you know you don't really need, but you indulge yourself anyway? addicted to that stuff especially when u mix it with hawaiian punch....mmmm u should try it sometime 23..Name something you want to experience before you die: see my children grow up & have children of their own 24..Is sex without emotions possible? it's possible, but who would want 2 do such a thing? Emotional intimacy is so amazing. I'd take that over physical intimacy any day. 25..If your life were being made into a movie, who would you choose to play the role of you? hmmm good one.....prolly alicia silverstone cus people say we kinda look alike 26..If you could be the underwear on any one person, who's underwear would you be? Silly question. officer Reynolds.....mmmmm id tap it hehehe
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dang u write some long entries. well anyways yeah i have msn. im at give me a holler next time ur on. late
lol...ya know, ima steal this when im bored and fill it out. i havent done one of those in forever. but that was funny when you said 'id tap it' lol you'r crazy