not too much has been going on lately. just been getting ready for the funeral on monday. its hard to be here around everyone when all the planning is taking place. i miss her so much. i cant even describe how im feeling right now. if only i wouldnt have taken forgranted our relationship when she was still here..i wish i would have spent more time with her. i dunno..its not cool thinking about the times when she asked me to come over to spend the day with her and i just made excuses to do other things. i really regret it. but yeah.....i think im done thinking about it for right now because i really dont feel like crying right now.
today i got a really weird phone call. it was a guy named justin. well anyways.....i was in my room watching under the tuscan sun and my brother came in telling me i had a phone call. so i answer it and at first it sounded like it was just a dead line...but i said hello one more time and i heard a guy say my name....and i didnt recognize him at all. well he said his name and i was like "ummm i dont know you"....and he said that we went to highschool together and that i left my phone number in his yearbook for him to call me. i felt sooo bad because i was like...umm i honestly dont know who that is. but he was telling me..."yeah you know me" i dont. but then he was all well ill call you later cus i have other people to so i went through my yearbooks looking for this guys name, and i cant find him anywhere in there..its really weird. but yeah.....i think this is enough typing for one day..

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