What month should you have been born in?
this quiz was made by Erin
You're Loyal and generous. You love to socialise and have fun. You're active, ambitious and patriotic.
But you're impatient and hasty. You're honest and trustworthy and you have a great sense of humour.
But you are short tempered and you hate restrictions. Also you take pride in yourself but you're not egotistical.
so yeah i cant sleep so i wanted to write in here again...jees i hate having those days that nothing ever goes right. today was ok but it still was a huge mess. i think i hurt Andys feelings just now...and even apologizing doesnt make it better until he cools off for awhile..so now i cant sleep til everything gets sorted out. gosh, why me! i think im going to go take some sleeping pills...i just need to talk to him and he wont listen!!!!gosh im frustrated with boys......cant live with them,cant live without them...lol
anyways, so tomarrow i think im just going to chill and not go to church. im not in the mood to be around my friends there. they spot it too easily when things are going bad for me...theres no fooling them...::sighs::...i dunno i just dont want to put up with their crap tomarrow.i guess im a little antisocial this past week, and i just need my space right now so i can sort things out for myself, and not haveta worry about things.
anyways...maybe you need to take some private time for yourself, friends an foes can be a major pain sometimes...keep ya head up yo...