long ass survey

HAVE YOU EVER 1. Kissed your cousin: hell no... 2. Ran away: kinda....i didn't get too far.lol.. 3. Pictured your crush naked: *does so right now...* mmmmmmm'hm 4. Skipped school: hell yeah.... 5. Broken someone's heart: hope not...im not mean like that... 6. Been in love: yes. 7. Cried when someone died: yes...Skylar 8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yes. 9. Broken a bone: yeah back in 6th grade i was rollerblading and i fell and broke my left arm...yikes that hurt 10. Done something embarrassing: of course not ;) hehe 11. Lied: sometimes 12. Cried in school: yeah once WHICH IS BETTER 13. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi all the way 14. Sprite or 7UP: no caffeiene?!? no....then neither! 15. Girls or Guys: guys 16. Flowers or Candy: both! candys great and all but flowers are romantic so ineed both ;) 17. Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shaven or maybe a five o'clock shadow or even a goatee, but no beards or anything.. 18. Blondes or Brunettes: i dont really care 19. Bitchy or Slutty: um....i'd have to say slutty. 20. Tall or Short: tall 21. Pants or Shorts: depends on the weather man..anyone who wears shorts in the winter i immeadiatly label as phsyco... 22. Night or Day: Night. yeah. WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX 23. What do you notice first:eyes id haveta say 24. Last person you slow danced with: ummmmmm Jose i think 25. Worst Question To Ask: "do you eat?" (that usually follows "you are TOO skinny!" no one would tell an overweight person "your TOO fat!" to their face, so why do they think its okay to say this to a thin person?!) THE LAST TIME YOU... 26. Showered: this morning 27. Stepped outside: about 3 hours ago and it was hella freezing! 28. Had Sex: i haven't yet. yeah. wow. 29. Romantic memory: ? last time i had a memory? you mean a moment? i am confused. 30. Your Good Luck Charm: my lucky thong(s) 31. Person You Hate Most: i don't hate very many people.... 32. Best Thing That Has Happened: uh...When i became a Christian. 33. On your desk: ummm a lota junk...lol 34. Picture on your desktop: i think a mountainlion FAVORITE... 35. Color: purple 36. Movie: signs 37. Artist or band: ummmm can i get back to u on that? 38. Cars: i want an eclipse 39. Ice Cream: rocky road all the way baby! 41. Breakfast Food: i don't DO breakfast. WHO 42. Makes you laugh the most: ummmm prolly Steven...(that boy cracks me up) hehe 43. Makes you smile: Joe 44. Can make you feel better no matter what: Stella 45. Has A Crush On You: Nobody, if someone does they better fucking tell me NOW! 46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: well if you want to call it a crush....i wouldn't 47. Who Has it easier? Guys. definitly. 48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: ummm thats top secret DO YOU EVER 49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: i have before. 50. Save AIM conversations: Every now and then 51. Save E-mails: Every now and then 52. Forward secret E-mails: What’s a secret email??? 53. Wish you were someone else: nope 54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Um…for what purpose? no...... 55. Wear perfume: yeah 56. Kiss:yeah 57. Cuddle: thats the best part 58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time:never HAVE YOU EVER 59. Fallen for your best friend?: nope 60. Made out with JUST a friend?: nope 61. Kissed two people in the same day?: ha no 62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: nopers 63. Been rejected: Yeah.only once 64. Been in love?: Still a yes 65. Been in lust?: not really.... 66. Used someone?: No 67. Been used?: Yes. 68. Cheated on someone?: Never 69. Been cheated on?: fuck yeah... 70. Been kissed?: Yes 71. Done something you regret?: yeah, but i won't waste time regretting it.....just if people made me remember it like this fucking quiz ;) WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON... 72. You touched?: ummm i cant remember 73. You talked to?: dad 74. You hugged?: Joe 75. You instant messaged?: Jared 76. You kissed?: Joe 77. You yelled at?: Bridgette 78. You thought about?: Nathan 79. Who text messaged you?:ummm i dunno 80. Who broke your heart?:Jose 81. Who told you they loved you?: Jose DO YOU... 82. Color your hair? yeah many times 83. Have tattoos?: no i hate needles 84. Have piercings?:same as the tattoos one 85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yeah 86. Own a webcam?: nopers 87. Own a thong?: *A* thong?! no....like at least 8.... 88. Ever get off the damn computer?:yeah..i am about to right now. 89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? anyways i dont understand 90. Habla espanol?: ummm nope 91. Quack?: no! thats my story and i'm stickin to it! HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU... 92. Stolen anything?: yup 93. Smoke?: nope 94. Schizophrenic?: I used to be, but we're all okay now. 95. Obsessive?: sometimes 96. Compulsive?:nope 97. Obsessive compulsive?: what the hell...sure 98. Panic?: yeah alot of the time 99. Anxiety?: eh......dont wanna think about it 100. Depressed?:on occasion.
Read 3 comments
Have I already said how long and insane this survey is?
Wuts with #30? lol ...and that 43(i think) better be me! lol jk later
By the Way.... I Have a CRUSH on You!!!