hokie pokie

first of all id haveta ask what if the hokey pokey is what it is all about?.....hmm deap thoughts :) Survey! 1) If you could conquer one fear, it would be...? fear of flying :) >2) fave hobby? umm dancing(yea that would be it) >3) which cartoon character do you think you act like: LoL umm prolly umm i really dont know...;) >4) food you could eat for the rest of your life?mmm thats easy.. Ice Cream :) > >5) fave article of clothing you can't live w/out? my cute sandals >6) things you hate the most..? People who are nice to others just because of what they have...eww i hate that >7) what would be your theme song? no idea but my brother said that blond song....umm trully i dont think so lol... >8) person u would want to be stuck on an island with (celebrity): yea man id haveta say Vin Diesel >9) if u were a shoe, you would be a pair of..?: umm sketchers i guess >10) first order as president: world peace :) >11) ultimate dream : to become very sucsessfull....and make bank >12) where do you want to go on vacation the most? sandiego >13) favorite holiday? my birthday >14) what color reflects ur personality? prolly bright pink >15) if u were an animal, what would u be? a tiger grrr ;) >16) biggest pet peeve!!!!!!!!!!!! people who talk behind my back >17) favorite movie ever:umm the goonies!!! >18) junk food item of choice? oreos mmmm >19) profession of choice? umm im not too sure....alive does that count? 20) If i had a million dollars.......It would be gone in a split second >21) tell your friends something you want them to know...Thank you all for being there for me when I need you most :) I love you all so much! >22) pet you would most like to have: umm i like all animals so that would be hard >23) believe in true love? yes >24) secret talent: some ppl think that i sing good but i dunno >25) favorite characteristics physical: my smile wow how amazing this was hu?!hehe
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hey hey hey.. Vin Deisel ;) <3 whats up?