omg nothin but drama.........let me tell ya! i have a freakin spliting headacke from hitting the stupid windshield...ha!long story.....anyways lets just say my friends car got stolen with me in it and then "he" hit the brakes later because he almost hit my friend and my head hit the freakin windshield...jees it was the craziest experience i have had in a long time.i seriously think he was on some crazy crap because he was trippin bad....and i think i got freakin wiplash....god im gonna kill him if i see him again....whata asshole....he seriously was trying to steal the car and i couldnt get out because you have to open it from the outside.and he was going so freakin crazy telling me to chill that he knows how to drive and im like what the heck gosh that would be like freakin kidnapping. he didnt care at all. god and i thought he was going to crash because i told him that there wasnt a road that direction and he said "i dont care, ill make my own damn road"...and it was like a freakin huge ditch. but he turned before he went in.they were gonna call his P.O. officer but i dont know if they did or not. im in pain right now...let me tell ya....
well im out for now...
love to all <3,