cramps and allergies :/

uhhh....cramps and allergies...dontcha just love them?? not me...i swear...guys have it so easy. they dont ever get to experience cramps...not has been pretty good i guess. not much has been going on..just went to class. i saw sarena today..i havent seen her since senior year in highschool. its crazy how i dont see any of my friends anymore. and its sad how we lost contact...but anywho...i have nothing else to say..i just wanted to complain a little bit about guys not having cramps...losers...they have it done complaining.. oh yeah..u wanna know what i learned today in biology?? if a guy gets breast pumped for 3 months, they can produce milk..interesting eh? Krystal
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You'd like to think it's easy being a guy wouldn't ya? Sometimes it is. For me, for the most part, it doesn't seem so. All girls want is some hot guy who's rich and I can't typically provide that. But maybe that's just my bitter, cynical side showing. :P
hey, i havent commented in awhile. so how have you been besides the allergies?
I'm still in highschool and I'm already losing contact with my friends. I guess I'm more of an independant person. I like to be alone, instead of entertaining people. So it's my own fault I'm losing contact since I never call them or anything. Oops! lol. I hope your cramps go away soon!