Your a very warm person who wants to be loved for
who you are. Love means the world to you but
you want it to be right. You have a vision of
perfection when it comes to true love. Just
remember, love is always perfect, but people
never are. You gotta be willing to take the
good with the bad, just as you want people to
except that about you. wow i just got some big news today...........i dont even really have much thoughts on this except that i am really really surprised. i cant believe he( not putting any names....::SORRY!::) is going to marry i mean yeah ive been over him for about a year, but wow. sorry im really in shock right now. we have been through a lot together and now i have to hear from someone that i really dont like that he is going to marry Jes. i....uhh wow.........i do not even know what to say. i guess the only thing to do is be happy for him. even though im not going to the wedding because his so called fiance hates me. and i know id leave more sad than happy. oh well i guess if he loves her, theres nothing else that i can do about it. i hope hes happy. Take my Quiz on! well im out laters ~~ Krystal