*** I NEEDED TO VENT...IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I SAY THEN DONT READ IT...*** friends....what is that word supposed to mean???? arent friends supposed to be there for you when you need them the most???? yeah thats what i thought too....but im learning that it is not true........what am i rambling on about you say???? well my best friend Stefany....u know the one that i would do anything for? the one that we have been best friends since 4th grade...well she decides to totally sell me out tonight on our plans to go hang out with my boyfriend....yeah that is a big no no..and im stuck at home now again for the second night in a row and my so called friends could care less. it feels like i cant even talk to them anymore about anything, because the last two people that i told what happened to me with my parents this weekend, they told me to quit telling them my problems and get over it. that hurt too. ive never needed them more than i do right now..because of all the shit i have been through this weekend and they dont care..and Stefany goes out to hang out with my boyfriend.....what a friend....i feel so alone lately....my life has never been like this...i have never felt this low as i do now...and i have noone to turn to. absolutely noone...not even my parents because i got threatend to be thrown out of the house twice this weekend...and my mom basically called me a whore....umm what i would like to know is how can i be a whore if im still a virgin??? but that really just made my day........ugh......i dont know what to do anymore...i wanna give up...its killing me keeping this all in, but noone around here wants to listen......but yeah its all good....i dont need anyone... KRYSTAL HASH(0x86f3a90)
Your soul is bound to the Rose Petals: The
Wronged. "'ve come undone and all hopes of mending
me are gone because the pain took my soul.
Can't you see? The only one who can put me
back together again is me."
The Rose Petals are associated with sorrow,
reflection, and wisdom. They are governed by
the goddess Persephone and their sign is The
Teardrop, or Broken Love. As a Rose Petal, you are always self-reflective and
may be hard on yourself. You probably have
been hurt in the past by other people and can
sometimes distance yourself, as a result. You
don't usually let other get too close to you,
but you are very good at mending your spirits
back together by yourself.

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla
Read 22 comments
yea it is veyr sad that so many people had to die for no good reson
Would you get over yourself? Friend & BF trouble So what Your such a self consumed little bitch If thats what your sooking about you live in lala land
krystal, i know you don't know me but i know exactly what you're going through, i feel it right now too, and i'll akways be here for you if you just need someone..
Thankyou! =D
Hi! :D
I know you don't know me, but I saw you on Drue's site. I just wanted to let you know that if you need to talk to someone, you can talk to me. And I know it's not as good as talking to someone you see every day, but I'm here if you need me. And I hope things reconcile with your friends and your mother. Best of luck to you with whatever happens.
fake smiles...i hate them. i use them too much. i have a habit with those, but nobody notices something is wrong. sometimes thats good, but then other times im like 'HELLO?! dont you see this?! jeez' ok lol. venting is good. i love it and i do that too much too. take care. jenn green
man that sucks when friends turn their backs on you. but if youre best friend went to hang out with your boyfriend, what kind of bf would do that to you? mayb its defferent than it is, bc i dont know him or your best friend. but thats what i think. sounds like your going through some hard times, but everything happens for a reason. i hope everything turns out good. take care. jenn green
Wow. we're going through the same thing, basically. None my friends care about me. Hah.. I have no friends, I hang out with my brother and his friends more than I do mine. Yeah thats kinda sad. But whatever, if you ever need anybody. I'm here. haha
remember.. friends will stab you in the back, boyfriends will stab you in the heart, but best friends dont carry knives.. I hope u feel better bout stuff, life in general..
spank you fery much...but the flesh eating virus in my throat will take a whil to get rid of..=(

sorry about what goin on with ya
awww thanks! i like getting hi's :) lol
YAY!!! im puttin u on my friends list too lol YAY!!
hey if u ever need to talk instant message me at shmne(aol) resevil0hour(aim)
yeah venting ALWAYS helps =)
thanks for the comment.
i care!! lol or at least i think i do...im confused...lol...but really dudette i care cuz i know wut it feels like :( later
~joe cool~
never feel bad for venting. its your mind! speak it! :)

I hope things work out for you quickly.
Thanx hun I appreciate it *hugz* ~*Libby*~
Want a pick up and get some ice cream? Wouldn't that be swell?
P.S. put the disclaimer at the beginning of the entry.