i need a break

tonight we all went out to help me get my mind off of things, and it just made things worse. i dunno,everythings just different now. its weird. ha. anyways i left with Stef and first we went to her house, and then went to EAC to see if we could find CJ, but of course he wasnt there, so then we went to Walmart to look around, and then we all went to Nicks house. and everyone and their brother was there. and i got dared to jump in the pool and i did. and me, brandon, paige, and jolene swam for a while, and then me and Stef got into a lil fight and we left and i came home and now im here. bored. and tired but cant sleep cus im too afraid to sleep. whata night hu? i dont think im going to go out again tomarrow night. i got invited back to Nicks house, but i dont think im going to go.i guess his parents are gone for the weekend. i told him id think about it, but i dont think im gonna go. i need a break from everyone for a little bit. im sick of having to act perfect around everyone just because they expect it out of me. i dont need this. i just need a break for a while. its weird. but i do. im out Krystal
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thanks. =)
i need a break too. i took one this past weekend. the best time i have had in god knows how long. made me realize how much i hate it here.

why do u think no one will believe u?
ill respond to your hi by saying hi too lol
no, i understand hun ... i really haven't told anyone about wut happened to me. it happened 8 years go and still today i really don't like when ppl touch me. i've only been able to tell one person.
it was really hard. i was 10, and he was a good friend of the family. so i thought my parents wouldn't believe me. i still haven't gotten over it. i mean its better now, a lot better. i would just spend hours crying myself to sleep.

i don't think u can really get over it unless u talk to someone about it. anyone. i think thats wut helped me the most. wish i could help u more though. it gets better, i promise u, it does.
hey thanks for the comment!you shouldn't have to act perfect for people, cause not everyone is perfect.just be yourself!than maybe things won't be so weird for you.