strange dream

i had the strangest dream last night. i was on a school bus (i dunno why i was dreaming about a bus all of a sudden the radio comes on saying that safford was having a tornado warning (there has never been a tornado in arizona)...and right after i say that i want off of this bus cus i was so freaked out, a tornado picks up our bus and it takes us up in the air and throws up..and we roll once we hit the ground and everything goes black...and then i woke up in a weird hospital and i was all dazed out and didnt know who i was...and i started walking around looking for something, but i couldnt figure out what i was looking for. and then i woke up. it was the strangest dream ive had in a long time. any ideas on what it means? well leave me some nice comments people.. have a nice day :) hold up.....i did a survey cus i was so frikin bored...
How old are you?:19
What kind of music do u like?:basically whatever i think sounds good.
how many people are on your buddy list?:umm i dunno..i dont talk to half of them anymore..sad i know
do u hate people?:no, hate is such a bad word. id like to say strongly dislike...and yeah there is only 1 person i strongly dislike, and i have good reasons for that.
are you a jackass?:haha i try not to be..
do u like the show jackass?:yeah its pretty funny
are you a vrigin?:unfortunately no
do u enjoy sex? question
do your parents know bout that? ^:why should they??
what would they do if they found out?:then they would find out wouldnt they
what would you tell them?:nothing. its not their business.and if they found out, then they found out. thats that
are you depressed?:not really. im a pretty happy person
do u like Smile Empty Soul?:hu?
why or why not?:i dunno what ur talking
do u like the color pink?:pink is a cool color

random #1 brought to you by BZOINK!
Beginning to know about you...
Full name//:Krystal
Hair Color//:blonde
Braces?//:no way
Fingernail color?//:clear
You're wearing//:clothes
Democrat or republican?//:nothing
Drink?//:sonics poweraid slush
Food?//:taco salad...yummy
Band?//:too many
Movie?//:i dunno
Actor?//:vin diesel
Actress?//:julia stiles
Insulter? (Simon Cowell is an example)//:dunno
Baseball team?//:d-backs.haha not really, they are just from arizona
Basketball team?//:none
Football team?//:none
Computer smile?//::D
Saying?//:dont get up on me like you know the flavor of my koolaid!! haha dont steal it
Which one?
Cow or chicken?//:cow
Which came first: the chicken or the egg?//:chicken
1 best friend or a group or:1 best friend
Mc Donalds or Burger King?//:neither..i like sonic
Milk with cookies or brownies?//:mmmmmmmmmm brownies
For sports-- water or gatorade?//:gatoraide
Strawberry or chocolate?//:both!!!
Strawberries or bananas dipped in chocolate?//:bananas
Lights on or off?//:off
French Onion dip or Cheese dip?//:that french stuff
When was the last time you...
Cried?//:cant remember
Slapped someone?// we were just playing
Loved someone?//:gosh...dont talk about love
Kissed someone?//:since my ex which was about a month ago now
Emailed someone?//:today
Smiled?//:just now
Got mad?//:its been a couple days
Read a book?//:omg like 2
Took a bath/shower?//:this morning
Saw a movie?//:about 3 weeks ago
Went to the movies?//:about 3 weeks
Right now...
You're listening to//:some rap song of my brothers
DVD/Video in player//:dunno
CD/Tape in player//:mixed cds
You would like//:sleep
You're speakers are//:ok but not that loud
Your hair is//:annoying me today
Worries?//:my interviews tomarrow
You're crushing...?//:umm
Are you...
Depressed//:not really
Happy//:yeah pretty happy
Worried//:about tomarrow yeah
Sweet//:duh...haha jk
Hungry//:yep its about dinner time
Thirsty//:kinda but its cool
Responsible//:of course
Smart//:try to be :D
Picky//:most definately
A good speller//:yeah
A chatspeaker//:hu?
Impatient//:yeah at times
Patient//:sometimes no
Have you ever...
Wanted to tell someone you loved them//:yeah
Wanted other friends//:no
Not wanted friends//
Been in love//:yeah...sighs
Been in lust//:haha *winks*
Hated your friend//:no
Said/done something that has changed your life//:yeah
Done something bad//:yeah
Loved someone in a book/show/comic/movie/band//:no way
The end...
How do you feel? Did you like it?:it was annoying
...yet there are still questions.:is there?

95 random questions! brought to you by BZOINK!
Read 11 comments
I have no clue. But I've had so many dreams that don't make sense. Try typing it into a dream interpreter online.
I used to live in Arizona! Outside of Pheonix... only for 3 years tho. Maybe your dream means your looking for a way to overcome your fears?
Something Corporate

they're hot
No matter how hard I try, I can never manage to match my socks adequately. It's always one white and one argyle, or one stripe and one black, or one santa and one rudolph, but never the same at the same time.

I think I need medication.
thankya :) yours it cool too. im loving the alice in wonderland cat that ive forgotten the name of... silly me.
Auntie Em it's a twister! It's a twister!! Freak. :D But in such a good way that makes my pants happy.
thank you
man that crazy your like the 2 person whos took that i other friend dosent want to cause hes too lazy....o took long though you also took the other one to...thats kool too.....
thanks for the comment! i think it's allergies :(
maybe your dream represents something thats coming up that your afraid of... im not sure