thats what i want

you can say dont worry about boys and ya i dont its just the fact that i wish i could just know the feeling of being with someone but you can imagine yet you dont like them!?! i just want to have the feeling of someone who actually likes you and the reasurrance that someone will be there to hold you and never let you go and just to be able to have something special is beyond the point of special i just want to know the feeling and it pisses me off, every guy that i like has a girlfriend or someone i just cant seem to find someone and i try not lookin but the ones ive already liked just keep comin back and they drag me and tear me in the back of a cars dust, im over it sick of it..! If its possible... A GUY... Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her." i got that from someone elses diary ^^^ |||
Read 9 comments
Its okay ^.^ we can take it one step at a time if you want.
You cant link pictures from your desk top so you have to upload them online. There are of free sites you can use...wait did you even want to post pictures or were you just curious. cause i dont want to waste your time if you dont 'really' want to know
hey hun~ just wait till'll fing someone then im pretty sure...if not then maybe's okay, not everyone has a b/f. :)

Love always~ your bestest friend~greg
hey babe! yay way to pass life guard training!! good job! now you can apply! im excited for you. i know what you feel about the boys. but really
don't worry about it. you will find someone to love you. but you really have your whole life to live first. this is something i realize and i kind of
regret being attached to someone when i was young. but look at me now. i get boys. you will too. you will find a great guy like ian. who constanlty
ill write what i want to say in my diary. so READ IT. i LOVE YOU!! and again congrats on passing!!
me to jessica me to...
it is quit special.
i thought and still think girls are the same way.. we have same predicament my friend and not to be mean but i am sure you feel the same way... i dont like you "that way" but i hope you dont like me that way either.. anyway u know ur diary is sometimes hard to read???

c-ya laters