for all the fools

yes indeed im at joannas jeff says that i should leave more spaces on my diary so i will leave more spaces just for him lol.. hmm i got two diamonds on the singy thing that was way cool yo.. lol and like ya its about damn time afterall i have sang those damn songs about a bajillion times they aree evil those judges are.. eric had to work tonight.. sorry eric.. work does suck.. and i.. im suppose to work on sunday but i cant.. i need a substitute and i need one really bad otherwise i dont know what i will do.. it will end out bad though.. i might work for an hour.. im still debating.. blah tonight was fun i felt terrible for leaving my dearest sister at home.. i dedicated my day tomorrow for her.. i love my seestar.. blah and yes.. thats about it.. me .. im boring.. and blah.. it could maybe be a good thing..
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i thought so
i did it on the back of one of the sheets in the book...
well... i wrote a note on samsal's board like i said i would but then pat being a dumb ass mixed with asswipe and scrabled with the asscrack and topped with the plain old assness of him self erased it... i had to get to class so i didnt fight with him!... ttyl
ahhh you failed....oh well most people do the first time unless of course you're a guy because guys can drive well but anyways i bought you 2 new cars but you can't drive them legally so be careful...happy birthday!!!!!!!!! bah i'm in the wrong account....
happyhappy birthday
from all of us to you
have a happyhappy birthday
i don't remember the rest of the song.
oh well.
happy birthday jess!
my friends laughed at my purse. i felt bad....

you're like an effing jewelry store.
you have all the diamonds.
and why is there a private know that was meant to be know you want me to read it...yes...
wananananana have a splendid day spent with your sister as i will be working and it will be retarded...actually mario is coming out there and we're going to work on his car so i don't have to do actual work...but yes have a fantastic day dearest jessica
ok well have a splendid rest of the night sleep well dearest jessica
maybe you people should leave then? so he's home on time?
psht like you will visit me but good luck on your test it isn't all that bad
that's what happens when i'm by myself at work
wow that's definently an exciting entry...
that would be too high tech for you
it was a penguin attacking a robot and they were both getting attacked by ryu and his hadoken then there was this little rock with a stick body that was on fire
well that's good?
you asked me why justin wasn't there i was supposed to work with sarah though i dunno if justin was even her replacement i drew pictures at work...
that sucks...
ask sarah why he wasn't there...
[Anonymous]'s almost like you're grounded from it at home or something
sounds like fun i guess?
oh..i see
what are you people doing tonight?
what are you people doing tonight?