I'm going to try and answer a few of the most common questions people have been asking about the new server and related topics.
Q. How do I delete my diary?
A.You don't. What you do is e-mail me (using the e-mail attached to that account) your username/password and I will delete that account for you.
Q. When we switch servers, will we lose all our diary entries?
A.No. The database that holds all your diary entries will remain in tact through the switch. So .. no, you won't. If you feel like that's not enough, then save all your entries in a Word document or something similar.
Q. Does sitdiary.net work NOW?
A.Yes and no. You can get to sitdiary through www.sitdiary.net but it's only reflecting what you see on this site directly. It's kind of confusing but I wouldn't use it as a means to access sitDiary yet. Wait till we switch and everything is in place.
Q. Did I miss the time to donate to sitDiary?
A. No! You can ALWAYS donate to sitDiary. Just go to the news diary and click on the 'update squared.' entry and you can donate any amount you want there.
Q. When we switch servers, will I have to get a paid account?
A. No. You have the option of getting a super nifty paid account that has extras but you do not -HAVE- to be super mega cool. :)
Q. How do I get a paid account?
A. Once I implement some more things and flip the switch, so to speak, there will be a section in your account settings where you can upgrade. At first, I will only accept paypal (Credit card, eChecks, Bank transfers and all that is PayPal) but eventually I'll accept other forms of payment. It won't be long after, in fact.
Q. What can I do with a paid account that I can't with a free account?
A. Although everyone will be switching to the new account manager (vs. the old preferences page), paid users will get more image space, more comment space when leaving comments, the ability to upload multiple images at once, access to diary templates, more diary color sets (you'll understand when you see it), the ability to change settings for individual entries (Friends Only, Private, Public, Users Only), as well as more stuff as I think of it. There's more but I can't remember right now.
Q. Can I create a new username & move my entries/settings to that diary?
A. Yes, but I haven't come up with any quick fix to that situation. I will have to come up with a system to back-up diaries and unpack them and then it will be entirely possible.
Q. How do I get that nifty top left picture to show up?
A. Simply rename any image in your image manager to top_left.gif (if it's a .gif already), or top_left.jpg (if it's a .jpg/.jpeg) and it will show up.
Q. What will the new web address for the site be?
A. For a while, both http://diaries.suchisthis.com and http://www.sitdiary.net will work, but eventually I'm going to nix http://diaries.suchisthis.com and just go with sitdiary.net. That's easier to remember for everyone and just makes more sense.
Q. Why are we moving?
A. This is a surprising question. We're moving to a new server because A. The current server goes down every 10 minutes for no apparent reason and B. because the new server will allow me to do more for everyone. It's progress, don't be afraid.
Q. How much will a paid account cost?
A. Right now, I have it figured out to $3.00/month OR $15/6 months (one month free). I figure that's about the cost of a Caramel Frappucino at Starbucks and that's not too shabby.
I need a diary of mine entered because it no longer works for some reason...the diary of mine that doesn't work anymore is...missyou...thank and please notify me at skoumal@snet.net
ok i had a "top_left" pic and now i want to change it so i renamed that pic its original name, then i renamed a different one "top_left". but then it still showed up as the old pic, and when i looked in Image Manager and clicked on it it had changed itself to the old pic. but then when i rename THAT pic to its original name it goes back ot being the right photo. how do i fix this??
Erica Smith
username: pyrogurl
username: corruptedsoul
thanks :D
and one more thing, just a quick question. why do you not allow linking of stylesheets, i was thinkin because, sincey our using serverside, im tryin to remember if just links, or loads the href into the file upon page request, would be sweet if you would enable linking though. :)
when i try to delete it, it says it's already been deleted yet when i go to the main image list, it's still there. and sometimes it randomly shows up as my background..
then sometimes old background pictures don't come off..and when i want a new one, the old one will just stay there. im confused..?
I'd prefer not to have an account than one with nothing on it.
Yay at the FAQ.
what manner of craziness is THAT... they cost about six dollars here.
home/scott/diaries.suchisthis.com/html/temp/image_control.php on line 191
i need help lol. thanks...