"Not-One-Damn-Dime Day"
In Protest of the Inauguration of George W. Bush
Thursday, Jan 20, 2005 (Inauguration Day)
Since our religious leaders will not speak out against the war in Iraq, since our political leaders don't have the moral courage to oppose it, Inauguration Day, Thursday, January 20th, 2005 is "Not One Damn Dime Day" in America.
On "Not One Damn Dime Day" those who oppose what is happening in our name in Iraq can speak up with a 24-hour national boycott of all forms of consumer spending.
During "Not One Damn Dime Day" please don't spend money. Not one damn dime for gasoline. Not one damn dime for necessities or for impulse purchases. Not one damn dime for nothing for 24 hours.
On "Not One Damn Dime Day," please boycott Wal-Mart, Kmart and Target.
Please don't go to the mall or the local convenience store. Please don't buy any fast food (or any groceries at all for that matter).
For 24 hours, please do what you can to shut the retail economy down. The object is simple. Remind the people in power that the war in Iraq is immoral and illegal; that they are responsible for starting it and
that it is their responsibility to stop it.
"Not One Damn Dime Day" is to remind them, too, that they work for the people of the United States of America, not for the international corporations and K Street lobbyists who represent the corporations and
funnel cash into American politics.
Not One Damn Dime Day" is about supporting the troops. The politicians put the troops in harm's way. Now 1, 300 brave young Americans and(some estimate) 100,000 Iraqis
have died. The politicians owe our troops a plan - a way to come home.
There's no rally to attend. No marching to do. No left or right wing agenda to rant about. On "Not One Damn Dime Day" you take action by doing nothing.
You open your mouth by keeping your wallet closed.
For 24 hours, nothing gets spent, not one damn dime, to remind our religious leaders and our politicians of their moral responsibility to end the war in Iraq and give America back to the people.
I know Scott will take this down, but it's worth a try.
Just what I was about to say. =/
I mean, if I am not even hearing about this until the day before it is supposed to happen, I am wondering how many people will actually get this message by tomorrow.
All I can say is that I hope this war is over soon and that the troops get to come home, because nothing has been accomplished by this war.
its to make you feel good about yourself. thats what most good deeds are for...that, or to get you into heaven, right?
im partly joking.
anyway, my cousin emailed this to me and i thought the least it could do was generate interaction between users.
participate or not.
be well, everyone.
I've wanted to protest this adminstration/war, and this is a good thing to do it by.
I'll let all my friends know too.
Let's not spend one damn dime!
If only more people would do so. o-o
I hate Bush though, so I won't be buying anything. I'll do what I can to help this idea work.
its not like im gonna fast, bush is already elected its not like we can change that.
bush sux ass
There is no relvance, or any correlation to 9/11 and Iraq.
Two completely different things.
Not the same person- two different people.
Both of whom hate each other.
So don't confuse 9/11 with Iraq, because those are both two different worlds.
also, it will probably have a very little effect on the sales of these giant companies, but its better than nothing and even if they only notice a slight loss in revenue..theyve still noticed something.
as my british cousins always say, 'for an american to not shop is unpatriotic.'
and about eating: you can buy groceries tonight. hurry, go!
i'm glad someone else is posting this.
I'm about to take out my vcr and set the time and what not because I have to write a paper on Bush's freaking speech!!!! geez! Yes there are simply other important things like me taking my time to set this crap up and hoping that while I'm at school it will record!
BLAH! anyways. This has happened before. Immigrants did it not too long ago.
but I really didn't want to be reminded that Bush will be in office for the next four years. I mean, I totally had forgotten we even had a president.
So in conclusion, tomorrow a certain someone should "take one for the whole team" and shoot Bush.
It's possible. Look at poor Kennedy :(
i won't spend.... i'll never look at certain users the same again though...
*sigh* so dissapointing....
but.... no good "but" is coming so.....
Whom you voted for is your choice, and should be respected thusly.
Israel has 20+ nuclear weapons on hand, and has denied more summons from the U.N. than Hussein ever did.
Israel recieves U.S. support despite over 300,000 reported humanitarian offenses recorded in International Law.
So if you think Iraq is better off, then let me ask you this--do we have the right to be hypocrites AND murderers all at once?
Ignorant and uninformed, as usual
JFK wasn't that bad..Bay of Pigs, mistake..but honestly now, Bush needs to die. If I had nothing to live for, I'd shoot him.
please restore the peace. somehow. somehow.
You guys are missing the point. Of course this won't matter to the economy. It's just a statement, much like turning your back to the president at the inauguration. It's supposed to cause a little stir, not bring down the government.
(Although that is step 2.)
I contest Bush not because I'm a sour grapes democrat, but because he's incompetent. He's led us into a war which we have no place being.
politics in conversation can only cause conflict.
same applies for religion.
about boybotting marc jacobs and apple..or anything for that matter:
i didnt follow this. i went to staples and got office products and i also went out to eat. i kind of forgot about it. also, you can regularly stand up for what you believe in. you dont see vegans stopping because not many people are vegan......
am i doing much by not buying mac? probably not at all...but i sure feel good about it.
ideally, grassroots could make some sort of a difference, but in reality...
im only 20, though and ive much to learn as an adult...but for now thats what i think. maybe itll change.
im also surprised that scott didnt take this down.
ps- this isnt a 'democrats cant get over it' thing. i posted this and im not a democrat. its good for us, the youth, to discuss these things more than once every 4 years.
the point in boycotting large corporations is due to lobbying. check it out.
also, im really glad you didnt do it if you thought it was hypocritical. you should always think critically about any decision you make.
by posting this i thought the users of this site, most anyway, would just express a thought, not go out and do what theyre told.
i mean, we told you not to vote for bush and look how that turned out...
How would I put a picture under my name? How do you hotlink so that there is a picture in the middle of an entry? How do you make things bold and italic? I am lost, so please help!
Bush knew Bin Lauden was attacking before it happened. He didn't even attempt to stop it. When we went to war with Afghanastan, we couldnt find him. So then, to cover his ass, Bush turned his eyes to Iraq. The rest is history.
Have a great day.
Also, sorry about the long chain of entries. I had a lot I wanted to say.
i think they only thing to be said about that is "Abu Ghraib".
iraqis are worse off, by far.
Before we can have peace in the middle east we must have peace in the United States.
peace out -charlee
you shouldnt name call. its not ladylike, especially if you're trying to make people understand your point of view.
also, when i said that the iraqis are worse off i meant it for several reasons.
-now that saddam is gone the muslim extremists can toss women around. they didnt have to wear veils before and now they do.
-militants far outweigh any iraqi that likes america and what it stands for.
-violence wont end....
also, back to stasis, fdr said it himself.. as a citizen its your job to constantly question your leaders.
its passed the time where you can actually think that bush is correct. hes fucking you all over and its a bit sad. he used gay marriage to get re-elected but just last...
i think that i will try and post more political atricles..if not here then scott and i will think of a good diary to make for it. the only rule will be that you cant be rude. you can be witty and sarcastic, because i like that...but being blatantly rude, no matter whose side you're on, is tacky.
on a broader scale the whole country ont be free. bush broke them as a nation under false pretenses and now hes going to make them depend on us. nice of him, huh?
do you think we wouldve attacked iraq if they DID have wmds? why arent we attacking isreal, iran or north korea? because they reallllyyyyy have them. bush knows not to fuck with people that do.
this is not cute: "Or... you can just go fill up your Nalgen water bottle with vinegar to swig down the rest of your bitterness" nor "people like you are taking up valuable air" nor this, my personal favorite "Okay you media brainwashed egomanics, go read Webester's to find a new word for what you are; which is a combination of ever...
peace out -charlee
the mid-eastern way of thought is against western mentality. they dont like capitalism, they dont like us, they dont like they way we operate. by they, i mean the majority.
right or wrong, its how they feel. america is good. i live here and i like it. if you have money in america you can be anyone and do anything. all it takes is cash. but it doesnt mean everyone needs to be us...
if bin laden fucked us up and then made chix wear veils and took all women out of any jobs i doubt we'd like it. thats what were doing, except the opposite...with no period of adjustment for them.
There are absolutely,
correlations between
So, whatever respect you might have for Bush for 9/11, is fine by me.
But, I have a feeling that everyone whom respects him for what he did for 9/11, has become proverbially "blind" for what he's doing to/over in Iraq; this respect essentially made everyone confident in this president and his endeavors.
Though as foolish as they are.
And in that sense, I'll see you at the battlefront.
Umm... The civil war wasn't started over slavery. It was started over states rights. And the north was wrong in that aspect. So thats why people started saying it was started over slavery, to make teh North look right through the whole war... anyhoo... thats all I got.
peace out -charlee
Thanks for sharing your opinions and views. I love these political discussion when they're handled in a mature way, and if I may, you are very mature with your responses. It makes seeing two sides of the story so much easier, and funner, for that matter.
Let's leave our political differences behind and our weak arguments.
in quoting my teacher:"something like that makes perfect sense to me"
We just can't leave right now- they have no government.
We can't pull out currently due to our recent screw ups.
Hopefully elections will go a little more according to plan.
by "today's bands" what are you referring to?
i agree with you that disrespecting your president doesn't look good, but also having a president that has done the stupid things he has done doesn't look good. Other countries were beginning to hate us in his first term, but electing himself for the second term, makes us look even worse. I would like a president that other countries actually respected us for.
I agree with you to the part assasination. Assasinating the president would be going to far, and wouldn't solve anything. And more choas would be created. Awhile ago I would have said i hated bush, but since then i have changed alot. I wouldn't go as far to say I hate him, but i don't like his decisions. As for the letter/sign thing, I actually have done thigns. I have been in front of the whitehouse and held up signs
I'm only curious as to where some people are getting their informtation.
I am not going to state my view on the subject either way, (though I must say, John Kerry is one creepy looking man), but the fact that people are getting so involved in this topic is quite impressive. Now if only it could be turned into a mature discussion, and not a slinging of threats and profanity. . .
the 9/11 commission published the report. you can get it at any bookstore.
and to those who are saying "he's already been inaugurated, deal with it for the next for years without complaining." that's ridiculous. political debates and interest shouldn't only come around every four years. i'm personally pissed because i can't get married in the
The point of this protest was NOT to drastically affect the economy of the United States.
Please stop saying that it didn't do anything to the economy. Yes, It didn't, but it wasn't supposed to.
as stated in the entry, 17,000 iraqis dead, vs. 3000 americans dead on sept. 11. no there is no link between the two, but some people subconsciously do so. i think it's amazing the output of support when AMERICANS die but if iraqis die, 6 times more iraqis dead, yet people say they are better off.
as someone commented before, if its nuclear weapons, korea's got those, genocide, you can look at sudan.
Yeah, false. I support the troops and not the war. I support them being over there, I wish them the best, I hope they don't die, and I commend them for the service they're doing for their country. However, I don't support the decisions being made by the president regarding the war. Just because I disagree with the president doesn't mean I want all of the troops to catch the plague.
not spending money really has nothing to do with support of the troops or anything.
Stupid question for all:
What if i wanted to go and buy one of those "Support Our Troops" bumper sticker things? Does that not show my support of the troops?
although an occasional idiot, bush is still the president and atleast 1/2 of his decisions are right.
If you have that attitude, then you're less patriotic than the people you're accusing of harping over something 'they cannot change'.
Personally, Bush's so-called Moral Agenda has nothing to do with murder, so I have no idea why Americans are dying on his watch and call.