Meh. I'm getting tired of the old sitdiary code, so I'm going to re-do it before Q2 2006.
Also, there are a lot of accounts that are just sitting idly, taking up space and good names, so I think I'll go through a clean-up session.
On a sidenote, either the e-mail address in the "sitdiary re-design" entry was rejecting all email as spam or (and most likely) no one submitted designs. This leads me to think that sitDiary is on a somewhat steep downward trend in popularity.
Therefore, I have to make time for a general make-over myself. Seeing as how I have very little time as it is, that may take months, so .. whatever.
i dont really understand the whole HTML thing but i am willing to help with ideas...
i am good with design...
got an A for my Graphic Communication Folio...
Let me know Scott...
if I wasn't supposed to ask you here I'm really sorry, I could'nt find your email address..perhaps I'm just an idiot?! Anyhow, when you've got the time, please do!
don't know if this has been requested before, but you know what would rock? if, when signed in, we'd see our "friends only" friends when we clicked "friends." does that make sense? for instance, my friends have to guess when I update because my "friends only" status means I don't show up on their friends page.
the majority of the people I read are friends only and this would just be... I dunno, rockin'. Thanks!
could you please delete this account?
I love sD! I'm trying to get more people to join...
Is there any possible way I could change my username?
I can barely do html. It took me days to figure out how to make words bold.
Sorry Scott....
Because I think that's kind of a silly implication. Just kind of.
Anyway, Scott, I don't know why the layout needs to change at all. I love it. It's really one of the major things that made me fall in love with sD in the first place.
I'd do a web design if I knew how to.
Sit-diary is ace.. don't see why people move.
Ah, well. We may be loyal to SitD but I have no idea how to web design, I don't know about anyone else.
and i don't know any web design.
leo :]
fine scott!
I'll do the design myself but that shit better get posted otherwise I'll murder you!
I'm not sure what you want though!! :/
since you took the entry out! geezzz
That's at least how I feel. You have an unmaterialistic crowd, and they prefer to get out the expressions and creativity through writing. love
i like having a little community where everyone expresses and relects on their days.
its cozy. :)
(better than xanga) muaahhaha! :)
i heart sitdiary
i think you should make it easier to put up pictures..
and to maybe add groups that you can join.. and maybe to fix up the prefrences page juss a lil.
thats my thought..
but other than that.. i love this site...
please help!! :(
Love sitdiary.
I love this site more and more everyday.