Put M&M's on layaway.

So im sitting here realizing that I need to update you all…. So I think you better get something to drink and a good munchable because this might take a while. (And don’t say I didn’t warn you) First off… (Against my doctors wishes) have been going to school. Well I mean com’on you didn’t honestly think that I, me, Ashley, would just sit at home for another week did you? Well I sure as hell hope not. Anyways so hmmm… well I guess I’ll start at today. Which might be yesterday or a few days ago depending on when you read this… So I go to school in the afternoon right? Well my teacher Mr. Hazelton pulls me aside in the hall and says “Ashley do you have a note for this morning?” No most people don’t know it, but he has certain looks and if you watch him closely enough you can tell where things are going to lead to in the conversation by his looks. So I said “no, my mom isn’t giving me notes anymore…. Well… oh never mind.” And its true cuz she gave Mrs. Stean a note saying that I would be in and out of school for a month. So there was no point in more notes. Mr. H: “Well why not? You know you have missed an offal lot of school and a whole week… for what ever reason that might be… and you haven’t covered any of the material.” Me: “I understand that but I’ve been sick with mono! For the past week Mr. Hazelton. I can’t help that.” Mr. H: “what are you doing tomorrow?” Me: “tomorrow? I don’t know.” ….. (he just stairs at me) … “same thing I always do?” Mr. H: “what are you doing tomorrow?” Me: “I really don’t know.” Mr. H: “ you have a test Ashley. A test. And you are going to fail if you don’t get caught up soon. Do you understand?” Me: “yes.” And I walked off almost in tears. Now im going to break this down a little. #1 you never say ‘do you understand?’ to me. Ever. I hate it and it just blows my mind that someone would try to rule over you by saying something like that. #2 I hate head games. Which is what he was doing… and I really do like him. I mean I like the way he teaches… or maybe lack there of. Everyone else hates him cuz he never really covers any of the material. Anyway and I mean he kinds yelled at me. I couldn’t believe it he thought that I was a slacker and that I didn’t care about my work. As if! I care a lot and I am willing to sacrifice a lot of after school mingling and such just to sit at home and study. So my mom talked to the school and hopefully they’ll sort it out. Juicy Fuit is really good gum for when you need to think. Moving on… okay so Hayden and me talked cuz he came over and he first called up saying “you wanted to explain stuff? And that lead into him coming over. We are all good now though and I think he’ll talk to me more. I really hope everything is all-good. I still like him you know? I mean there is always that little tinge of a crush. But im out of the “boy” faze right now. Im in eh little-kid stage again. I mean do you remember when you were little and you didn’t look at boys and think ‘damn! There hot!’ or ‘oh I’d love to go out with him’ you just saw them as… boys. Well that what it’s like now. Im okay with it though. It’s a phase. I’d laugh though if I turned Bisexual from all this though. Haha or a Lesbian Okay so now what are we down to? Oh ya! The cat thing… so this Cat o guess was found under the bridge and some kid had beaten it up and stabbed a stick through its leg, and shoved things in it’s but, let it hang from tree and burned it too. Sounds like something out of a bad horror film eh? So some of my friends and I have been doing a little investigating and we … well… they have pin pointed it to this one kid so tomorrow im going to ask if he can be paged down to the office and I will bring him aside and (no not beat the living piss out of him, although he deserves it) but im going to confront him about it and then well ill make sure he doesn’t do it ever again but I might get ummm… a little time off school if it gets really bad. Haha meh it’ll be worth it just for the cat’s sake. I think that’s about it. I don’t know I really do have more on my mind but that’s about as much as I can remember right now. I’ll tell you more if I remember. Until then ‘keep your stick on the ice’ Well Later Days! *~Ashley~ *
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