
Listening to: me and emily
Feeling: used
hey! today has been so much fun! me and my mom picked up natalie and we went to goodwill! haha on a hunt for homecoming week for school! we found the coolest things in the world! we had so much fun in that store its crazy! like seriously... i could have stayed there for about one hour! then she came over and we decorated her outfit...and ate chips and salsa! lol! and then we played the sims which we havent played in forever and we named the family the DEER family and the husband is JOHN and the wife is JOSEFINA! lol! so random i love it! im so mad....i forgot my password to my other journal so now i had to start all over! lol! it sucks! i really wish my cousins would move down here! i mean it would be perfect! they could live like across the street! that would be amazing! last night was really fun! colleen laura alex jenna rachael vicki lauren natalie alyssa and april came over! yea and right now im trying to read this book for lit but its so boring i cant concentrate! im also supposed to be burning a cd for ramsay and looking for jennas camera! but lol im too lazy! wow im thirsty and really bored! i cant believe its sunday! it feels like saturday...i guess b.c its so pretty outside! well i guess im gonna try to read some more and look around for jennas camera! she must feel really deprived of it or something b/c she has called me two times about it! tootles! *oh yeah i never said why i was upset...but i guess thats better b/c then the ppl who i am mad at will read this and get really mad....even more
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