no school! whoopie!!

Listening to: on the way down
Feeling: amazing
im so excited its unbeilable! i mean we dont have school!!!!!!! this is great! i have no idea what im going to do but i wanna hang out with a buncha people! sounds fun to me! its so dark outside its scary!!!! i think i might volunteer at my church tonight with vicki and jenna! but i dunno about vicki b/c shes loosing hope about this volunteering thing! haha last time we were going to she slept over and we woke up early to go volunteer and as we were making muffins we realized that we both really didnt want we didnt! lol! isnt this s ad: my brother is too lazy to watch tv in the living room b/c there is no remote...but he will go ALL THE WAY DOWNSTAIRS to watch tv just so he can have a remote to use! lol! i wonder if they are going to have the game tonight!!!! i hope they do! omg starbucks sounds amazingly awesome right now!!!! but noooo i get to drink cold water...oh yum! i think i might work out today! i dunno maybe someone wnats to come with me! lol! yeah right! alright well ill write later! bye!
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