Funniest night.

Feeling: cheery
wow last night was deffintally the funniest night ive had in a while. i went to dinner/starbucks with rachael but shes to weird to eat. gaw she thinks IM anorexic. shes the one who is. and that was freakin hilearous. (smiles) THAT KID IS SO CUTE. yeah right that kid had the bigget forehead ive ever seen lol. so then we went to the last half of the frosh guys game. from reading laurens diary, they won! lol! so then me and some people to see coach carter. good movie i must say. pretty long tho, and the ending was dissapointing. like i sat there for 2 1/2 hours almost and they lost the game. ugh! so we go outside and sean ko just has to be beyond funny. this car was trying to be all cool reving up his motor n crap. and he was like "oooh honda as much horsepower as a vacuum" hahahah he is so funny. hes a fun person to be around thats for sure. thenn afterwards we walked to dunkin donuts. just so HANS (hah gaw thats funny) could get more food. thenn we sat there until my parents movi was out and they dropped jeremy and lauren off. then i came home and had to be quiet b/c my sister is taking the SATS today. so if you ask my why i didnt hang out with conner last night? it is b/c that kid doesnt not enjoy carryin around his phone, therefore, i cant call him. but i did call him and his mom picked up and said he was golfing and she said she would tell him to call back. soo then he calls back while im in the movie and he was at the other movie theatre with some guys. so that majorly sucked. im gonnna go b/c my plans for today are booked? hahah yeah right!!! have a good day! EDIT------- so today around 3 i went to the verizon store to see if they could give me a new phone. i meant a new MODEL, but whatever. a new crappy one is alright i guess. cept the idiot erased all of my numbers and doodles. ugh. but i drove there, almost wrecked again. pretty scary. but i parked inthe kroger parking lot...and this time it wasnt a mile away. thennnn rachael calls me while i was in the place and shew as like ok we are coming over tonight. and iwas like UHHHOK lol and then i acted like i could not hear her and my phone was disconntecting so that the ppl would see my phone was really gay. that worked? lol so then conner lauren eric rachael taylor and jenna came over! we played xbox,nintendo 64, and watched the ring! hah! whats better than playing video games?! darn it, that reminds me. i need to hook that nintendo 64 back up into my room. lol sadly. so now im sittin here listening to music. im listening to when i think about cheatin. good song. so i talked to lucy today. god i miss taht girl so much. when i talk to her, i almost cry every time. i love her so much. its deffintally not the same without her around...and basically at my house 24/7. i miss waking up to her face in the summer...and during the school year, seeing her EVERYDAY on the bus. ahhhhh ok well im gonna go do some fun stuff to my phone!! GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!
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