its all for yOu

Feeling: alive
its hard to say what it is i see in you wonder if ill always be with you but words cant say, and i cant do enough to prove, its all for you today started off bad. reallly bad. we were getting ready for church and my brother was SLOW and my dad was chasing him around with his belt and my brother was screaming then my dad was then my mom was and i was like 30 minutes late to church lol. sooo that was very odd went to the park with rachael and conner. we ate conner's "packed picnic"! and then we just walked around and stuff and then we went to drop off conners...but then we ended up swinging by alex's house to hang out with alex taylor shelli and i met alex's girlfriend darby.shes so nice its crazy and im SO happy for alex. so alex's house was fun!! cept my stupid coldsore AHH hate it! defintally sucks! i wanted to kiss conner like a million times but noooo! whatever itll make it even more special when it finally goes away so rachaels dad does not like me as of now. i mean its not cool and it makes things weird...but i dont really care if he hates me. i mean...i dont have a friendship with rachael for her whatever he cant make things any different now matter how hard he tries now im sittin here talking to thomas borweic about the track meet lol here is the convo: TMB1085: alright so TMB1085: the other day TMB1085: my friend was like holy shit!!! what is that on her lip!! TMB1085: n i was like....genital wart man.. eMsWeeTie 89: hahaha.....oh god TMB1085: nah im jk lovely thomas...LOVELY? mk im gonna go watch POTC and lay in bed because im sleepy
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lol, sorry that you're dreading school.. :(
