new start

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: nice
hey!! so yesterday was the start of a new semester. and what more could ruin the day with a freaking scedule that suckS! now its wednesday, and its really not that bad anymore. i mean im gonna have to make a lot of new friends, but thats awesome and im excited for that! lunch sucked yesterday, but today it was alright. i sat with max sam kimbo laney erin diana sarah alex erica and katie. it was cool today. but today was soo long my lit teacher is like god-awful boring. my head was slowly falling downward. almost as slow as she was talking. so my aunt and uncle are officially getting a divorce. my aunt found out that my uncle went on a date with his oother girl friend. even tho they are trying to "work it out" so its over...and adam, my cousins, profile was really sad. he was like "its over for my parents, life sucks" poor kid..! so now im tlaking to ap about winterfest, and im not sure if im going. im gonna go take a nap, b/c im tired!
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