Feeling: happy
ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! whoop whoop! well today i missed the bus--and that sucked b/c i couldnt talk to rachael! and then...i went to my locker and all this crap was in it from my locker i shoved my spanish junk in there (i had to bring food) so then i went to science and had a really hard test. and then darren asked me to help him do some hw so i did that in this class! yeahhh and then i went to homeroom and it was POURING so cool me popped out my umbrella! um--yes! so then me and mariam walked SLOWLY (im wearing some pretty uncomfy shoes) and then once i get there lovely coach boozer locked us out...and didnt have a key to get in. so we were stuck outside. cept then we went into a senior trailor..and the seniors were screaming "GO UNDER THE TRAILORS YOU SUCKY FRESHMAN" so that was scary! and then we went into boozers homeroom...finally! and then i walked to spanish with maria lol i think thats her name! b/c i let her borrow my umbrella! and then in spanish we had food day and i won lo tengo (bingo) three times! it rocked man!! so then now im here....typing this! b/c we are doing NOTHING in this class---at all! so im gonna blab! well last night iwent to rachaels to study and it was fun i guess! lol! aint nothing better to study---and take pictures of us studying! hah (rachael u need to post those on ur pic page..they are quite hilareous) ok and the ni went home and studied a little bit for geography and..that got boring so i stopped! OMG RACHAEL! mrs tunick has been teaching for 21 years! wow i knew she was cursed! ok and my dad was helping me study and he was funny last night so i didnt get anything done. then i went to bed. and woke up and my mother forgot my birthday! haha nice woman! and he left my present in my dads car. b/c he obviously forgot my birthday too and left without saying hello! haha oh well! and then after i got ready my sister told me to look at pics of my igot online and looked at her picture trail! and then laura drove me to school and that is a very confusing life story...b/c i jumped from this morning to last night to today to this morning! haha oh well! tonight i think im going out with april rachael kt lauren nicole vicki conner alex max and jenna! buuuuttt im not totally sure when! welllll tootles!!!!
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