um monday

Listening to: gavin degraw
Feeling: heartbroken
ugh im so upset! johns profile says "being single is good" blleeehhh! today was boring as usual! cept it was freezing and the bells werent working at school! but yeah um i goth ome--- went to the avenue to look for skirts for my sisters job..then went to beauty is to buy a straightener...but i decided to wait until my birthday to get it~! b/c i wanna go on a shopping spree! lol! and i gotta read so much in to kill a mockingbird tonight--it sucks! amandas birthday is tomorrow!!! shes lucky...she can finally drive--legally that is! even though shes had a car for like 1 year..she can finally drive it to school! i bet this friday night she will be out till like 4 am dirving that thing around town! lol! aight well im gonna go read b/c no one is on...and i dont wanna be online while hes online--b/c i dunno! not in the mood! tootles
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