
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: bleh
yo! so last night me and colleen and rachael went to the game...and it was the most amazing game!!!! it was so crowded and spirited it was awesoem! and WE WON!!!! yeah and so then colleen n rach slept over and we watched i know what u did last summer lol and then we woke up at like 10 and ate...then colleen had to leave and then me rachael lauren nicole and kt saw cellular...that movie was AWESOEM! and then i get home and conner asked me to go see it with him and patrick but i have to babysit so i cant :(! yeah it sucks! and now im watching tv and getting ready to go babysittin!
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emily thats really sad u JUSTTTT got that src thing.. wow thats funny..haha k love yOU