uhh thursday

Listening to: sis playin guitar
Feeling: happy
heyyy! yeah today was fun! me and rachael stayed after school to hang out so we could go shopping for our halloween coustumes with colleen (she had bball pract) then we hung out at the school library...and got on AIM! hahah! yeah and then we went to michales and had a party, then we came over here to work on them, and then john came over and we studied! hah yeah right! he played the guitar while we talked about halloween! lol! yeah so i got ZIP studying done! and then i dressed my brother up as a gay person, and it was funny! but my mom aint letting him dress up like that b/c he will get in trouble! haha! oh well it was fun! and now im sittin here waiting for the right time to study ss! ........its now! lol! tootles
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