incredibly boring

Listening to: suan screaming
Feeling: bleh
right! so i wake up at 9 at rachaels house to come here, party doesnt start until 11:30! so im sittin around giving piggy back rides and making 4 little kids nausious as i wait for the food to heat up! now im sittin at my dads desk, screwing up everything on his desk! lol that is not good! sooo then i think we are leaving here shortly, so i c an return to sleeping! god rest my soul, i love sleeping! then i might hang out with patrick and conner today! but that all depends on how much sleeping i get done!! hah! well im gonna go , this suan kid is pretty cute and i like chasing him! i love you
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AH I THOUGHT OF A GOOD GIFT FOR CONNER!!! get him a cd!!! or burn him one! YEs
i love ur background i love the beach!!!!!!!!!!