superbowl sunday

Listening to: superbowl
Feeling: angsty
>THERE`S GOTTA BE MORE TO LIFE< wow! today was bad...verrrrry bad! it began with a wake up call....saying "emilllly 20 minutes until church" i sprung out of bed faster than my cat hisses at natalie. WAPAM straight to the hair straightener i ran....then i went to sunday school. john was like "emily come get food with me" so we skipped sunday school and went to go eat. that was stupid considering we got into the gym and my parents were in there. we acted like we werent there. i dunno if they saw us...they havent said anything! so thats pretty sweet! then i came home. project time. went to sams club to get food for jennas house and for my project. thenn i came home and worked on my project. im still not done..ive worked on it a total of 7 hours. gaw shoot me now!! so then i ended up not being able to go to jennas. so that majorly sucked. and then i read her diary..and it made me feel worse. then i thought about taylors situation and i was just like "u know what...its not worth it" but i still am realy sorry jenna then i went to party city with my sister b/c my mom made me go to get me out of the house. we picked up her FALCONS balloons..even tho the falcons are NOT in the superbowl?! bunch of ffreakin retards if ya ask me! then..i called taylor! he is one strong kid! and i love him!... then whoa i came home and worked on my project again. then i realized i left my instruction sheet at my house and i was PISSED man! i threw my papers up..cussed! then my mom was like EMILY THATS IT!!!! she walked out of the house and walked around the neighbrhood for an hour. then she is talking to my dad about how much i have an attitude problem and how she needed to get away from me. gaww thanks mom but i still love her! and im goingto try and stop my bitchyness...never could end tomorrow?!
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