
Listening to: tv
Feeling: dandy
well last night i had a REALLY fun night. me and lauren arrived late (as usual) and did not get tickets to white noise, b/c low-en-be-hold it was sold out! so then we just hung around there! prolly more fun than the movie! then i went to jennas, and i woke up this morning b/c her stupid (i mean loving) dog was crawling on me. then i went home, and basically all day ive eaten and listened in on my moms conversations with my aunt. oh fun! then i went with my mom to get her ring from the shane co b/c it was being sized. fun day ey? i am going to have a second chance at seeing the movie!! so im gonna go talk to vicki about her sweatshirt that has been sittin in my room for about 4 months now! YEHAW!
Read 4 comments
awww i really like ur background!
hey, no i got my background somewhere else, i didnt take it from you

- xsunshine4
haha i was wondering where that thing was!! well u might as well just keep it now GOSh! jk..i'll remember to get it sooner or later. LOVE YA!!
"stupid (i mean loving) dog" wow thanks emily... thanks!! haha jk! tonight was fun...and i kick BUTT at hackysack