Feeling: happy
hey!! its WEB!! yay! i love webs! today was the weirdest day! and totally wasteful! all i did was hang out with like alex ronn and erik while everyone took the psats! which was fun i guess! then i hung out with colleen, john, greg, maggie, austin, and some kid i dont know! lol! i dunno what to do about john! i think hes really nice and all but i guess im gonna have to hang out with him more! b/c yeah! but i feel so bad! i hope colleens not mad at me b/c i kinda left her at school! but i didnt mean to! I LOVE YOU COLLEEN! lol! please dont be mad! im getting my haircut in one hour! im scared its gonna look like crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well! yay im going to allison and christa's halloween party! im excited! itll be a lot of fun! i dunno what to be though!! TENNESSEE IN 2 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! im gonna die im so excited! i get to see my best friend katherine!! ahhhhhh yay! and im going to the HS game with her~which is gonna rock! but we are coming back sat night! ugh i wish i could stay till sunday but i gotta see my daddy! i miss him! hes been on vacations a lot lately!! :( yeah but i guess its okay! i mean ill go to church on sunday with some girls and meet the girls ill be going to london with~yep thats right~im going to london! lol! well im gonna go! PRAY MY HAIR LOOKS GOOD!!!!! ilu
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