too good its true

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: unattractive
that I have seen the light of day love is finally going my way is it too good to be true give me one more kiss one more touch baby i just can't get enough of you this time too good is true

life is pretty much going good right now! couldnt ask for more thats for sure!! last night me and rachael went to conners with alex and eric! it was fun, those guys are so much fun to be with! first we played poker..DUH! rachael won, sort of! lol b/c conner was playing for her! thenn we watched like 10 minutes of some gay movie that me and R made them turn off b/c it was so stupid! then we watched american idol! all in all...good night i decided im going to bed at 10 tonight! im freakin tired, and im not getting enough sleep! plus tomorrow is friday and i need to be rested since i do SOo0oo much on fridays?! haha todays been boring, ill write when i get home!! EDIT gaw. long freakin day. i want to get out of my house so bad. i had a math test after web page. kinda hard. kinda not. im not sure.for sla me and erin and sam went to a lunch for it. that was pretty sweet. um then i went to lit and had yet another food period. joy. then boring science with the normal harassing. then last period. dun dun dun. test time for which i did not study the least bit for. wasnt too bad acually....i suppose wonderful for not even popping a book open. then hell broke loose when i got home.... when i got home, i took a nap. woke up around 6:30 by the ringing of my phone from rachael calling asking me where i should look for her straightener. sorry gal. then i begged my stupid moms whose plan it is to starve me to make dinner. gaw. i might as well just starve, its not worth the fight anymore. so my brother and my mom were all in the kitchen fighting bascially over nothing. but it was one of those days where i wanted to shoot my mom b/c she was anoying me. not only my mom, my brother. he was singing "dont worry be happy" i almost grabbed the knife. ok not i told him to shut the hell up. wow, that went well. echeem so then my mom said something about tomorrow. and i was like mother im not going to be here tomorrow inthe household. she was yelling at me saying emily do you really hate your house this much BLAH FREAKIN Blah. lets just say, tomrorow will open the heavens once i leave my house edit again- my gaw i love lucy so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish so badly that i could see her right now!! i got home, read her package. and after crying for like 5 minutes..maybe thought about how much i miss her!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH i want to see her so much! and its deff not just me...we all miss her more than anything!! RaChL 148: her letter made me cry JenBabe4029: oh gosh im crying why does god have to take the BEST things away? however like lucy said "everything happens for a reason" yet i dont think there was any GOOD reason for that. funniest freakin convo: RaChL 148: she just didnt make me smile, its her fault RaChL 148: its true, i cant help it if she doesnt have a good personality, gosh go and blame me GO RACHAEL! SHUT HER DOOOOOWWWWNNNNN!!!

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hey emmmm!! you'll have to tell me about how the "coffee shop" or w/e it's called went in lit! sucks that i have to miss free brownies and hot choclate!! ilu!
oh! and THE YOSEMITE ROCKS!!!! ahahaha it's so funny how your postcard makes it seem like such a great place! when it's really one of the wost places on earth. well i'll tell u one thing, looking at a postcard of it is the closest i am ever going to get to the Yosemite again! god i'm so bored, i'll ttyl! Love Vicki
haha im sure thats ALLL you and conner did *wink* lol