it must be love

this must be the dream ive been dreaming of,oh what a feeling this must be love SPRING BREAK is in 3 days! i might go shopping today for some clothes for spring and then im gonna get packing tonight! its gonna be such a long car ride! not only at 4 brother will be in the car. ughhh. I CANT WAIT!!! got in some trouble last night. not sure conners parents like me. blahh it sucks b/c i dont want them to hate me. so we went to the movies b/c he was already going for school bonus points. and afterwards we hung around for a while being complete angels...duh. =) and his mom was mad. very mad. i had to make up a story on the spot about what we were doing/where we were and im SO bad at that. luckily, me and conners stories ended up being the same thing! that would have SUCKED. i told her that he was with seabass and that we had been hanging out with other kids from school. wasnt a COMPLETE lie... we did that SOME. its just the whole rest of the night i left out... about how we were in the exit hallway ALONE, and how we werent even in the RWANDA movie theatre. his mom wouldnt have liked that. according to patrick, his mom thinks we kiss too much. hahhh thats funny. ohhhh well i still had fun:] next time im gonna see him will be a while 1. b/c he doesnt have a ride anywhere for 2 weeks 2. b/c of spring break yesterday i was gonna get my haircut. but i decided to wait until after spring break b/c i dont wanna have to worry about that before lol oh so pissed off this morning. woke up early to put clothes in the dryer at 6 AM and they werent even done at 7:30! thats b/c they were DRIPPING wet holy crap, math test tomorrow. guess ill be studying like crazy for that tonight b/c i dunno how do to that stuff at all
Read 3 comments
u have such a nice site!
yeah what a good movie huh!?
PC_3 DAYS BABY! I'm stoked. Conners parents don't hate you! ♥