
Listening to: goodies
Feeling: paranoid
howdy! today it was rainy---oh yay! hair got all crappy...lovin it?! yeah my foot hurts! b/c i have big feet! lol! i should be studying but nahh! today we had a lab..and i was with colleen and john..and it was fun! yeah! lol! alright well i gotta clean b/c louis my sisters friend is coming over..yay! come to my house on friday after the game HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!! I LOVE YOU HAPPY BIRHTDAY ToMoRRoW LAUREN! I LOVE YOU
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hey its lauren! i'm in web design..yeuhhh!! you write in this thing alot, i just read the whole thang! well i'm glad you aren't mad at me anymore =) i love you so much & i don't know what i'd do w/o your friendship! seriously though--i know i do stupid stuff sometimes, or maybe alot but thank you for always forgiving me!! you're an awesome person emily don't you forget it!!!!