spring break training

Feeling: energized
Image hosted by Photobucket.com i need to go bathing suit shopping...and i really like that one...i think so today me and rachael are getting off the bus and we are going running...should be fun! ok so today me and rachael acually went running. we saw a kid on our bus while running and he just shook his head like WHAT FREAKS haha that was funny then rachael came over to do homework b/c she left her math book but we ended up working out more. haha lets just say i got more of an ab workout laughing at how pathetic we were. but it was acually a good workout...im gonna be feeling the burn tomrrow. acually...shes still over...and once i wrote that...we both were like "acually...i feel it now" lol gotta love it! esp funny when we were stretching and we did those one streth and rachaels leg like cracked...HAHA wow i miss lucy so much right now!! i was thinking about whether or not i would do swim team this year and i remembered all those times at the swim meets me and lucy joked around like retards. i remember one time at a home meet it started POURING rain and so me lucy evan and kevin played basketball in the pouring rain. and then we walked to lucys car and our feet kept getting stuck in the "shortcut hill" and you would sink in to the mud and when you pulled your foot out of it it made this nasty squishy noise. this will be the first summer since i have lived here that lucy wont be here. what the heck am i supposed to do? she came over EVERYDAY it sucks... i wanna see her sooo bad!!! =(
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yeshh should be fun right?
running is fun!

and sounds like ur in a good mood!


hey how did you get a background like this? if its not jpg. or gif.?