not cool

Listening to: kicks
Feeling: placid
it's the way that he makes you feel it's the way that he kisses you it's the way that he makes you fall in love me and rachael went running again...b/c we are nuts! lol but its fun! so we ran around my neighborhood down timber ridge road and then back to my house. then we went on a walk down the street and found our little secret they were freakin stalkers. and we chatted with them for a while...thenn we jumped onthe trampoline and then we rollerbladded. i still have my awesome skating tricks! they are pretty awesome! then my mom tells me that i have 2 mandatory england things that i have to go to. and if i miss one we have to pay $100. wonnnderful. acually it sucks ass. i dont wanna go on the trip...let alone shit for it. my mom was pissed off b/c i was telling her how much REALLY christian people bug me. she said "emily thats sad" i was like WHATEVER ITS MY PETPEAVE. i hate it. then she says "oh emily next weekend we are going to the house to fix it up" i was like I AM NOT GOING MOM THIS IS SO STUPID I DONT WANNA GO THERE. "too bad emily...u dont make the decisions" wtf i dont wanna go to SC to fix up a shitty house. thats almost as bad as going on a mission trip to BUILD houses. so now i cant do anything friday b/c i have to hang out with "GODLY" sarah beth and laura gernatt. and then sunday i have stupid england training. and then the next weekend ill be in another state. gotta love the parents.... oh yeah and my other freakin entry i deleted bc im stupid.
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deep breathe em! love youuu.. everything will be hunky dorey as ur dad says. haha lOOOVE you -r-
my last one got deleted too!! guess i am not the only stupid one.. LOVE YOU