lauren... don`t worry, i will write a lot today!
so spring break... hheck yeah! with lauren! haha we do not know where we are going, but whatever! wish rachael could come...
today is WEB...thank goodness! lauren calls me like 3 minutes before my bus is about to come "hey emily...
can ya bring my jacket with my money?" i thought it was for something important, but it was for food. should have guessed!
this has been a really long week...i just want the weekend to hurry up and come! defintally going to the mall this weekend.
so today was fun! after school me conner taylor alex and max just kinda hung out for a while, that was fun! then my sister picked me up and she made me going school crap shopping with her BLAH then she took me to conners ♥ defintally more fun than school : ] then i had to leave... ugh that sucked! i lOve being with him... he makes me so happy!!
omgsh ya it's my favorite place we go on vacation to!!!! if u don't have a place to go for spring break, seriously consider it..that would be so awesome and you would LOVE it!!