
Listening to: ppl talking
Feeling: fabulous
70 minutes of this class. lets begin. so i just got back from pep rally. joy joy joy. i love hearing comments like "FRESHMAN UR MOMMA IS CALLING U HOME" yeah cooool. pep rallys are a great way to start off my day.. so i sat with lauren and alex like three rows behind conner thomas john greg alan patrick-just about every boy. yeah not cool either. this teacher is yapping, im not listening! i just bought a lollipop from emyo for $.50! what a rip. she kept saying 2 for a dollar. what a bargain. pah. sooo today once again me and taylor skipped homeroom. stupid sub...and we talked to laney rG and thomas. that was tons of fun. oh yes. now im sittin here. two seats away from Rdawg, sittin next to my best friend. youuuu betcha. soi dunno what im doing tonight. possibly being rebelious and going to johns house with everyone. YEAH! well this teacher is an official idiot. she stood their and watched me type. which acually makes me the idiot. why is my hair so flat and straight and annoying? holy crap gotta go! I HAVE TO STUDY! ...........edited mk well tonight. quite boring. went to the frosh game. amazingly, it was a win for walton. thennn went to caribu with rachael colleen jenna jeremy kimbo lauren w taylor alex max ap marisa and erin. it was fun i guess. cept the fact that jeremy was this major girl magnet with like 4 girls fighting over just 2 minutes of attention with him. wow...then jenna colleen rachael taylor max and alex came over and we basically jumped on the trampoline. and that was retardedly awful. alex was by far the most annoying person. he doesnt understand "stop". so i figured out what my deal is. i think so deeply into things and i expect too much. i need to stop being so retarded and think about the present and not the future. live for the moment- like lucys profile says. soooo today after school rachael got off at my stop. that was eventful. i bursted out singing, and sprayed lysol on my brother. bad move. the lil sucker sprayed me with that crap for like 3 minutes. boy, did i smell like a wild berry or what. SO im gonna go b/cim tired! GOODNIGHT!
Read 2 comments
i love your diary the bground is so freakin cool! i have that icon saved somewhere too ;)
no it wont be. he really meant everything to me