thursday night

Listening to: brad paisley
Feeling: bleh
yo! ok so today has been super slow! im happy now rachael. i dont wanna live in never-ever land anymore! so ive learned a lot today. b/c my classes were boring, so i had time to day dream and think.... .live for the moment, dont think about the future .let it go .all things happen for a reason .dont worry about things, wait to see how they end up to be may not make sense to you!! but they do to mE!! hey im gonna try those html codes on here, b/c i need to put my brain to use! this is gonna be so funny when they dont work! haha! tomorrows friday! thank goodness! i have mucho to do tonight: study for science, study for spanish, write an essay, wow! its 8 and i havent started! thats pathetic! ive been busy listning to a nailgun and chatting with michael! yeah wow hes over again!! haha john hates me so much now! my cousin accidentally signed on my s/n..and i was acting like it was her, but he knew it was me...then he was like bye emily i gotta eat dinner..haha it was funny! but hes like "ur a mean person. u treat ppl like shit" and im like "nah just you" lol...acually thats not funny anymore. me and jenna are going running at the river this weekend! its gonna be awesome!!! k well im gonna get cracking on this essay! LATER! aight yeah i tried those codes, DEFINTALLY dont work!!! haha so i delted them
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hahahha have a good lunch todayyy emy =) love lauren